A while back we analyzed Android users and iOS users and found a number of clear demographic and lifestyle differences between the two users. Now, we are focusing our attention on another category where consumers have a strong preference – web browser choice. In our latest “mini” Insight Report released today, we focus on consumers’ web browser preferences. After collecting 1,287 responses from adults, between 4/4/2015 and 4/16/2015, we were able to cross-tab our browser preference question with other syndicated questions in the CivicScience InsightStore™. The results were really interesting and pretty clear-cut. One browser in particular is more popular among millennials who have market maven tendencies, while another is preferred by older individuals.
Below are the top-line results for our browser preference question:
Google Chrome was the top web browser choice, followed by Internet Explorer. By crossing this question with others in our system we were able to report on the demographics and additional insights among the different answer groups.
Overall, Google Chrome is the browser choice among millennials who have market maven tendencies. Who’s a market maven? They keep up with the latest trends and new products, are more likely to be early adopters of new offerings, and like to tell others about new products and technology. On the other hand, Internet Explorer is the preferred browser among older individuals who have grandchildren and a higher rate of homeownership. Those who prefer Firefox fall somewhere in the middle of Chrome and Internet Explorer fans. Based on the few data points on those who prefer Safari (due to low response we could not produce as many insights), users seem to align more closely with Chrome fans – younger and slightly more female.
Do you fit your web browser profile?
Check out the mini report for specific details and findings.