This week, extreme concern about being in public spaces remains low, but there are still 40% of consumers who say they’re still somewhat concerned.
The longer restrictions remain lifted, the more comfortable people are becoming. Economic sentiment is naturally beginning to rebound as well – but not among all groups.
Despite the positive national conversations about the job market improvement, compared to the last several weeks, significantly more people expect it to become more difficult to find a new job over the next six months.
This sentiment is pretty strong among younger adults. Right now, they’re more likely to think the difficulty of securing work will increase.
On top of a negative outlook on employment and jobs, significantly more people expect the U.S. economy to get worse over the next six months, increasing by four percentage points week over week.
Again, data show that younger adults are more pessimistic about the economy right now.
In fact, younger adults are actually driving the overall increase in economic concern this week, with over a 10 percentage-point jump week-over-week among 18-34-year-olds.
With mask mandates being lifted and comfort increasing, we’ll be tracking how consumers are impacted. Want to stay up to date with CivicScience’s weekly COVID-19 Impact Report? Sign up to receive the latest insights and up-to-the-minute data here.