In the last four years, American adults 21 years and older have become increasingly supportive of treating marijuana like alcohol: legalize, tax, and regulate. Support has risen 23% since 2017.
Support of regulation from Americans between the ages of 21 and 24 (older Gen Z) hasn’t changed much since 2018. Older Gen Z gained more apathy than they did anything else with 24% now saying they have no strong opinion on the matter.
Support from those 25- to 34-year-olds definitively decreased since 2018 although Americans over 35 have clearly converted from oppose to support in recent years.
Parents support regulating marijuana at nearly the same rate as non-parents, though they do show a higher instance of opposition than those without kids. And while perhaps a proxy for political stance, the data indicate a correlation between a child’s schooling environment and someone’s support for regulating marijuana. Among supporters, 39% have children learning in a fully remote environment compared to 21% of those who oppose legalization.
Medicinal marijuana and the use of CBD products have added to the larger conversation about legalization, particularly during the pandemic and lockdowns. In a March survey, a slight majority of respondents were in favor of keeping dispensaries open while other retailers closed down. Crossing these respondents with views on the general legalization of marijuana, we see a strong correlation between support for regulation and past support of keeping dispensaries open.
But for people who have been to the doctor more than six times in the last year, regulating marijuana is something they oppose more than those who have been to the doctor less. While age likely plays a role in the number of trips someone takes to the doctor, correlation is still worth noting, particularly given the 14% who have no strong opinion.
Overall, sentiment toward the legalization, taxation, and regulation of marijuana has been on the up and up. While pockets of Americans over 21 oppose regulation, this opinion doesn’t appear to be strong enough to change the overall progression of the plant, its uses, and overall cultural acceptance.