Every week, CivicScience is asking thousands of different poll questions – some fun and some serious – about the trends and topics of the day. Here are some popular questions in our system from the week. Click on the links below to answer yourselves and see the latest results.

Do you think eating healthy foods and eating junk foods costs the same?

Candy corn: ick or yum?

Would you say your spouse or partner is as committed to you as you are to them?

Which Sesame Street character is your favorite?

What do you think about the current media coverage about climate change?

Would dating be better or worse without texting?

Do you usually keep things past the sell-by date?

Couples Halloween costumes: for or against?

Does it bother you when you let someone get into the lane in front of you and you don’t get a courtesy wave?

Do you think Disney Princesses are good role models?

Do you have fond memories of looking through the Sears catalog?

Editor’s Note: The results of these questions are often preliminary and do not yet incorporate the scientific rigor of our official or published research. For fully scientific results to these or any of our ongoing research, please contact us.