CivicScience is asking thousands of different survey questions – some fun and some serious – about the trends and topics of the day. Here are some of the most popular questions from this week. Click on the links below to answer yourself and see the latest results.
🧽 Have you ever stress-cleaned?
🍗 Best way to cook chicken wings?
🛏 When you are a guest in someone else’s house, is it rude to enter their bedroom(s) without asking?
⚾️ What is your favorite sports championship event of the year?
🎣 Have you ever gone fishing in the ocean before?
👓 How do you feel about Jeff Goldblum?
⛸ How do you feel about ice skating?
💳 Have you ever had your lost wallet returned to you by a complete stranger?
🐉 What is your Chinese zodiac sign?
🎬 Do you enjoy watching foreign films?
Editor’s Note: The results of these questions are often preliminary and do not yet incorporate the scientific rigor of our official or published research. For fully scientific results to these or any of our ongoing research, please contact us.