In Q3, food delivery giants DoorDash and Uber Eats thrived – DoorDash enjoyed its best quarter since its IPO and Uber notched its second-ever quarter of operating profit, thanks in part to its food delivery sector.

The food delivery app landscape is evolving, with CivicScience finding consumers are increasingly relying on four or more food delivery apps. The jumps in revenue are not only propelled by order volume, but also by the rising adoption of paid subscriptions, such as DoorDash+. What other trends are emerging among Americans who utilize food delivery apps as the food delivery industry continues to gain steam? 

Here are three more key food delivery app user insights courtesy of the InsightStore:

1. Monthly food delivery app users are most likely to be concerned about making low-prep, budget-friendly dinners.

When it comes to preparing dinner at home, consumers who use food delivery apps at least once per month are slightly less likely than the general population to say their primary concerns are making something quickly or cooking healthy food. Instead, food delivery app users are six percentage points more likely to say their top challenge when making dinner is preparing something that is easy to clean up. They’re four points more likely to list budget as a key concern as well.

Join the Discussion: When it comes to cooking, do you prefer to make breakfast or dinner?

2. Food delivery app users are more likely to cross off their grocery and retail shopping lists online, too.

Unsurprisingly, food delivery enthusiasts are more likely to head online to order more than just food. For example, 63% of respondents who regularly use food delivery apps say they have also tried using grocery delivery services – compared to 24% of non-users who say the same. 

Moreover, 55% of frequent food delivery app users report they’re doing ‘most or all’ of their retail shopping online, almost 30 points more than those who ‘rarely or never’ use food delivery apps. Avid food delivery app users are also more than twice as likely to indicate they’re shopping online more than they typically do during this time of the year, noteworthy given the proximity to the holiday season. 

3. Users have drastically different preferences than the Gen Pop when it comes to restaurants – especially for Buffalo Wild Wings and The Capital Grille.

Always-on CivicScience tracking of consumer preferences toward restaurants reveals just how starkly contrasting food delivery app users can be from the Gen Pop. Consumers who use food delivery apps at least monthly are much more likely than the average U.S. adult to say they love eating at Buffalo Wild Wings, The Capital Grille (+17 points respectively), and McDonald’s (+14 points). CivicScience data show many other national brands also have a double-digit gap between food delivery users and the general population as well.

It’s clear that consumers who use food delivery services are a force to be reckoned with, and retailers should take them into consideration, as usage of these apps remains popular.

Take Our Poll: How do you feel about online food delivery services in general (GrubHub, DoorDash, etc.)? 🥡 🍕 🍔

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