Note: This is a special guest post by Taylor Griffin from Hamilton Place Strategies

Vice Presidential Debates are usually side-skirmishes that don’t draw the same level of interest as the Presidential main events.

But more people say they are “very likely” to watch tonight’s VP debate than 53% of people will watch the vice presidential debate. said they were “very likely” to watch last week’s Presidential match-up. The growth in plans to watch provide a good indication that the last debate had an impact. 

According to a Civic Science poll conducted in the days leading up to both debates, 53% said they were “very likely” to tune in to tonight’s Biden-Ryan match-up — 11% more than said they were very likely to watch the first round of Obama-Romney.

Republicans, buoyed no-doubt by Mitt Romney’s performance last week, showed the biggest increase in interest. Fully two-thirds of Republicans plan to watch tonight versus 42% before last week’s debate, an increase of 17%. Half of independents said they planned to watch tonight versus 42% last week. Democrats were about the same.

The demographics of who will watch the Vice Presidential debate