As Apple gets ready for another iPhone release, rumors are swirling around the newest model. It’s been all but confirmed that Apple’s latest smartphone is swapping out a traditional headphone input in favor of a slimmer phone and streamlined experience.

The new iPhone will only allow headphones to connect through the lightning port, or wirelessly. Excited to buy the newest model? Looks like you’ll need to toss your headphones for Apple’s latest (which, fingers crossed, will be included with purchase).

If other smartphone users are anything like me, they’re going to run into some problems. I’m an advocate of ABC (Always Be Charging), but I’m also a podcast addict. How will I be able to listen and stay at 100% battery life at the same time?

Okay, okay, if you’re a techie, you know that this is why buzz around wireless and Bluetooth headphones are huge right now. But, I have to wonder if other people like me aren’t ready to cut the (headphone) cord just yet.

Let’s see if people are sweating this dilemma:


For the sake of looking at purely smartphone users, though there could be exceptions, let’s pull out the “Does not apply” group.

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So 55% of smartphone users don’t see Apple’s latest development as a challenge. Either they don’t listen to media while charging their phones, or they plan to buy wireless headphones, making it possible to charge and listen simultaneously.

5% responded that they use their headphones while charging, but they plan to buy wireless or Bluetooth headphones. 57% of those who selected this response report an annual income of $75k and up. Wireless headphones don’t come cheap, so it’s not surprising to see that the people most eager to buy the technology have generally higher incomes.

35-54 year-olds are more likely to answer that they do not use headphones while charging their smartphones. From anecdotal evidence, this makes sense to me. Just from walking down the street or taking a look around the office, headphone use tends to trend younger.

When compared with “Which of the following best describes your experience with Bluetooth and wireless headphones,” it’s interesting to note who already owns wireless headphones and who is most likely to purchase.

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People who don’t use their headphones while charging are less likely to be conscious of price when shopping for electronics. Although price doesn’t seem to be an issue for this group, it’s interesting to note how little of the group plans to buy wireless headphones. Price isn’t the problem, but perhaps they can’t get their heads around the practicality.

Those who responded “no” didn’t hold too many surprises, but those who indicated losing the headphone jack would be a problem are an interesting group.

People who have their headphones on while charging their phones are more likely to be active Snapchat, Instagram and Pinterest users and more than twice as likely to actively use Twitter. They are more likely to own or want a smartwatch, virtual reality equipment, and a wireless speaker system. People who follow technology trends are more likely to select this response.

Streaming music listeners are more than twice as likely to respond this way. Over half of the people who picked this reaction are under the age of 30.

Starting to see the issue here?

People who selected this response are interested in new, expensive tech trends. They are active and engaged on social media. They use streaming music services (probably with their headphones on). They want the coolest new tech, even if it comes at a higher price (like VR).

If this group thinks the new iPhone model could be an issue for them, that’s a problem. If the tech engaged crowd doesn’t buy into this new paradigm, Apple might have a problem selling the newest iPhone to the general public.

Only 11% who selected this answer indicated that they are interested in buying wireless headphones. 45% aren’t planning on buying wireless headphones. Could this mean they’ll hold onto their older iPhone model, or consider a different brand for their next purchase?

Apple has a challenge on its hands. The company needs to convince this younger group that they can continue their listening habits without sacrificing their battery life. How can Apple persuade this market?

Well, Apple shouldn’t rely on TV ads to raise the cool factor of the new iPhone. People who charge their phones and listen to music simultaneously are less likely to be influenced by TV ads. Instead, Apple should consider finding these potential buyers on their preferred social media platform. This group is more likely to be influenced by social media than TV.

Marketing the new iPhone on social media, could show potential customers what they’re missing. They’re already interested in tech, it might just be a matter of involving online influencers to up the cool factor, because what’s more uncool than a tangled set of earbuds?