During the month of June, Pride Month events draw millions of people worldwide to celebrate LGBTQ+ diversity and advocate for equal rights. These events, which include parades and concerts, serve as a safe space for unity and empowerment, while also spreading awareness of the challenges the LGBTQ+ community has faced and continues to face. 

As Pride Month celebrations gain momentum, recent CivicScience data show that 26% of the Gen Pop and a strong majority of LGBTQ+ Americans (65%) have either already attended a Pride event and/or intend to do so.

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This year’s Pride Month events skew toward younger demographics. A majority (54%) of Gen Z adults express plans to partake in Pride Month events throughout June, more than four times the participation rates among individuals aged 45 and older. The high participation among Gen Z  not only signals a growing acceptance and support for LGBTQ+ rights but also highlights the pivotal role younger generations have in driving inclusivity. 

Among many motives for attending Pride Month events, celebrators are most likely to say ‘showing support for the LGBTQ+ community’ (49%) and ‘advocating for equality’ (42%) are most important to them.* Data also show that 41% of U.S. adults and 79% of LGBTQ+ adults say they’re ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ concerned about LGBTQ+ rights in the United States right now. Additionally, the Gen Pop is far more likely than LGBTQ+ Americans to say they’re ‘not at all concerned’ by over four to one.

Amidst celebrations, U.S. state officials are advising Americans to take caution when attending Pride events in the U.S. and abroad this year due to potential terror attacks, further highlighting the progress that still needs to be made in ensuring the safety of the LGBTQ+ community. CivicScience data show that 56% of celebrators say they’re ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ concerned for their personal safety when attending Pride Month events – a figure that increases significantly to 75% among Americans who identify as LGBTQ+.

Answer our Polls: Do you typically make a point to buy Pride Month products at stores?

Overall, the data show that there’s significant progress that needs to be made during Pride Month and beyond in creating a safe and accepting environment for LGBTQ+. Leading the change could be Gen Z who’s most involved in Pride Month events.

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*521 responses from 6/4-6/5; Among those attending Pride Month events