Dry January, where people give up alcohol to start the new year, is a relatively recent phenomenon, getting its start in the early 2010s, primarily in the United Kingdom. But in recent years, it’s crossed the Atlantic and a growing number of Americans are – quite literally – putting a cork in their drinking habits.
In fact, 41% of Americans who drink alcohol said they are at least “somewhat” likely to participate in Dry January this year.
The Demographics
Among Americans 21 and over who drink alcohol at least sometimes, younger generations are the most interested in putting down booze for the month. Boomer drinkers and older? Nearly 30% less likely to say they would take a break than Gen Z.
Women drinkers are 42% more likely to give up alcohol for the month of January than their male counterparts.
City residents are most likely to give Dry January a whirl, and among drinkers, they are 25% more likely than their suburban counterparts to give up alcohol for the month.
CBD As an Alcohol Replacement
While many Americans enjoy a cocktail at the end of the day, perhaps CBD products and their supposed stress-reducing qualities might serve as a replacement. CivicScience data show American drinkers who have tried CBD products are more likely to participate in Dry January.
Even more noteworthy is the fact that American drinkers, who think CBD products will be “common” in the next five years, are nearly 58% more likely to put their drinks down for a month than American drinkers who think CBD will remain “niche.”
Once-in-a-While Drinkers More Apt to Slow Down
Americans who are casual drinkers are, by far, much more likely to be interested in Dry January. In fact, the people who drink the least – once a month or less – are more than twice as likely to give up alcohol for the month than people who drink twice a week or more. This is most notable among light wine drinkers, with nearly half of them saying they wouldn’t drink in January.
Americans who drink more than twice a week – of any type of alcohol – are by far the least likely to say they’re ready for a break come January.
Exercise, Drink, Repeat
Thirty-seven percent of Americans who exercise regularly – at least several times per week, but who also enjoy a drink at least now and again say Dry January might be for them.
Interestingly, it’s people who only exercise a few times a month who are much more likely to give Dry January a try. Clearly, Americans who know they’re keeping themselves in shape are less likely to think they need to restrict their alcohol consumption.
The rise in interest and intent for Dry January is notable, though – as anyone who has ever made a New Year’s resolution can attest to – interest and intent will only go so far. Perhaps more notable is the fact that heavier alcohol consumers aren’t as interested in giving up their drink preferences. Marketers and beverage producers shouldn’t see too much of an impact among steady customers.