After the big sales rush from Black Friday to Cyber Monday, consumers are asked to give back today for GivingTuesday. Following an overall decline in charitable donations in 2022, non-profit organizations are hoping to benefit from the global initiative this year, which promotes giving to charity, volunteering, and other acts of generosity and kindness.

New CivicScience data indicate that Americans are more likely to donate to charitable organizations this GivingTuesday compared to last year. Despite inflation and uncertain economic outlook, 39% of U.S. adults say they are likely to participate in the event this year, with 15% being ‘very likely.’  That’s up seven points from November 2022, while those uncertain or ‘not at all likely’ to participate have both fallen from last year.

Cast Your Vote: Would you rather volunteer time or donate money? ⏳💵

Young adults are largely driving this change. A majority (51%) of Gen Z adults plan to give this year, rising from 31% last year. Millennials and Gen Xers are also far more likely to participate this year, whereas adults aged 55+ are less likely, as well as the least likely of the age groups.

GivingTuesday is promoted widely on social media (#GivingTuesday) and by workplaces, so it’s not surprising it draws greater interest from a younger crowd. Additional data find that the majority of adults 55 and over say they give to charity, but may be less familiar with GivingTuesday.

Overall, the numbers show positive growth. Consider that in 2016, just 7% of U.S. adults said they participated in Giving Tuesday, according to CivicScience data.

Additional insights to know about this year’s GivingTuesday donors, from the InsightStore:

They’re more likely to be financially stable, remote workers. Data show that people who earn $150K or more annually are the most likely to give this year (40%), as well as those who say they are in a better financial position now than they were prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, hybrid and remote workers are more likely than fully in-person workers to participate.

They prioritize brand social awareness and kindness, including charitable partnerships. Consumers who say that a brand’s social consciousness and overall kindness is important to their purchasing decisions are far more likely to be GivingTuesday donors. Furthermore, 46% of people that give to charity claim that a business’s partnership with a charitable organization could make them more likely to shop there. 

They’ll be giving in a variety of ways. GivingTuesday participants are the most likely to say they prefer donating through a charity’s website or QR code (23%). Donating in person at events or retailers is also a popular way to give. In fact, additional data show that 22% of potential GivingTuesday donors ‘always’ give donations when asked at a checkout register while shopping, and another 61% ‘sometimes’ do. Surprisingly, donating through traditional mail is preferred by 22%, although these donors tend to be older in age (55+).

They’re much more likely to be in the holiday spirit. A final insight worth noting, data show Americans likely to donate on Giving Tuesday are significantly more likely than non-donors to say they are looking forward to the holidays this year ‘more’ than they usually do (51% to 15%). Spreading holiday cheer also comes in the form of giving back.

While participation looks better this year, dollar amounts will have the final say. Economic conditions and high interest rates could impact how much even affluent Americans will give to GivingTuesday campaigns. Even so, the data suggest that charitable giving is of growing importance to many Americans.

Join the Conversation: Do you ever look up a company’s donation history to political campaigns / charities?

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