CBD has made headlines of late for its use as an alternative to traditional pain relievers, a possible reprieve from opioids. A cannabidiol oil often closely associated with marijuana, CBD does not contain the psychoactive elements associated with cannabis.
CBD has the potential to become a booming industry if the American public is open to it. 1,389 U.S. adults were asked about their behavior and sentiment towards CBD.
9% of U.S. adults have used CBD products and are satisfied with them. People who have tried CBD are over 3x more likely to have been satisfied with CBD than not. 11% of U.S. adults are aware of CBD and are planning to try it.
CBD and Age
Millennials are nearly twice as likely as Gen Xers to have used CBD products and been satisfied with them. Gen Xers are most likely to plan to try CBD products, with Millennials not far behind. While Millennials have tried CBD at a higher rate than other age groups, it seems the potential for growth lies with Gen Xers. They are most likely to plan to try CBD and have a higher rate of awareness than other generations.
CBD and Parental Status
Interestingly enough, parents are most likely to have plans to try CBD products. People without children and grandchildren are most likely to have already tried CBD.
CBD Products and Lifestyle
An interest in CBD may have a connection with healthy living and holistic care. Organic food buyers and people who read the nutritional information of their groceries are more likely to have tried CBD products and been satisfied.
Those who intend to try CBD also exhibit similar behaviors. They’re more likely to be organic food buyers and buy environmentally friendly products. Additionally, they’re more likely to adjust their lifestyles to help the environment. It’s possible that CBD appeals as a safe alternative to pain relief.
While CBD awareness is in its early days, the adoption habits are promising. Parents are most likely to express an intent to try CBD, signifying that perhaps the adoption of a product closely associated with marijuana is less challenging than many assumed.