Recently, YouTube announced the upcoming launch of its foray into the live TV streaming market. For just $35/month, the digital channel will be offering live streaming from major broadcast networks such as FOX and NBC.
Unlike its competitors (DirectTV Now, Playstation Vue, and Sling TV,) YouTube TV is a single-tiered package, comprised of 40+ channels. YouTube TV also stands out with its DVR offering. Unlike its competitors, the service does not have time or storage-based limits.
As innovative as the service is, it’s a risky move for the media giant to delve into this market. Will people buy in? We asked.
Short answer: yes. 23% of American Adults say they are at least somewhat likely to purchase YouTube TV. What’s somewhat interesting is that is exactly the same percentage of U.S. consumers who say the primary way in which they watch TV is through online streaming.
Naturally, those who are at least somewhat likely to purchase a YouTube TV subscription are more likely to be Millennials.
One of the largest distinctions between YouTube TV and other services, many note, is its sports channel offerings. The service comes with 12 sports channels, including ESPN. Will these offerings bring in sports fans?
Again, it looks like it’s possible. Those who are “Very / Somewhat likely” to buy a subscription to YouTube TV are much more likely to be sports fans – as evidenced by the data above.
So, YouTube may want to continue showcasing these sports channels in order to bring aboard current sports fanatics who aren’t yet aware of YouTube TV’s sports channels.
As a last point, it looks like these current dedicated sports fans (the ones that watch over 5 hours of sports a week) are much more likely to receive their TV service through Satellite. So, Satellite TV providers such as DirecTV will want to keep a close eye on this new service as it gears up for launch.
Interested in other insights? Check our recent blog posts on the potential decline of the NFL and Netflix preferences!