Disney captured the attention of cord-cutters across the U.S. with its recent announcement that in November, it would offer a streaming service bundle of Hulu, ESPN+, and the upcoming Disney+ for $12.99 per month.
CivicScience has been tracking consumers’ feelings about Disney+ for months, surveying about 13,500 U.S. adults on the subject since mid-February. While interest has increased slightly over time, only 5% of respondents overall said they were “very likely” to subscribe through the end of July. Another 11% said they were “somewhat likely” to subscribe.
With the bundle announcement, things have changed dramatically. In CivicScience’s latest survey, 9% of respondents said they’re “very interested” to sign on for the new bundle in November. Another 22% said they were somewhat interested in subscribing.
Disney+ vs. Netflix? We’re Not There — Yet
Of course, the impending launch of Disney+ will be top-of-mind for Netflix executives as the company fights to retain its title as the “king” of streaming services amid a growing field of challengers.
In CivicScience’s survey, most of those who said they would subscribe to Disney+ currently have a Netflix subscription. Luckily for the latter, it looks as though there is room for both in most household budgets.
Out of more than 2,300 overall respondents, only 2% said that the introduction of the Disney+ / Hulu / ESPN+ bundle would cause them to delete their Netflix accounts.
Filtering the data further, just 5% of Netflix users said they’d drop their accounts in exchange for the Disney offering.
Who’s Interested in the Bundle?
Millennials were by far the age group most likely to say they’d sign up, with nearly one in four 25- to 34-year-olds saying they would definitely subscribe. Gen X and Gen Z had moderate interest levels, while Baby Boomers are almost entirely uninterested.
The clever thing about the bundle is that it will appeal to several different demographics at once. That is, Disney+ may attract parents and ESPN+ may attract sports fans, while Hulu has a broader appeal. In CivicScience’s survey, those who said they “will subscribe” are more likely to be parents and sports fans.
What’s more, existing Hulu users were roughly four times as likely as non-users to say they “will subscribe.”
Finally, it seems that Disney’s box office dominance could extend into the world of home streaming as well. Those who intend to subscribe to the upcoming Disney streaming bundle are much more likely to be regular movie-goers than those who aren’t interested and those on the fence.
Overall, it seems that Disney’s announcement of the streaming bundle has jolted consumers’ interest in Disney+. Millennials, parents, sports fans and current Hulu users all appear to be particularly interested in the bundle. Uncertainty remains among Netflix users, but as of right now, the data show that it’s premature to speculate that the bundle will deal a major blow to Netflix’s streaming dominance.