It’s been said that relationships are much like gardens; they have to be watered to flourish. Marriage, like any relationship, takes effort. Recent CivicScience research shows that of 1,900 married poll respondents, 31% say if given a redo, they wouldn’t marry their spouse again. That’s stark.

What’s more is CivicScience found the majority of those who want a redo, and who aren’t sure, are women.

What could point to this displeasure? If nothing else, maybe dates are the secret to a happy marriage. Another CivicScience poll asked people if they still go on dates with their partner or spouse and found that 38% of coupled respondents say no.

Of course, income factors in. CivicScience tracks profile questions from respondents and found that those who make $25k or less annually are more likely than the general population to not go on dates, to no surprise. However, when grouping the income into three parts (under $50k, $50k-$100k, and over $100k), there are even amounts in each income bracket that make up the “No” camp, highlighted in the chart below. This shows that high income doesn’t necessarily mean it’s used to invest in the relationship.

And of course, what happens when CivicScience crossed the two questions should come as no surprise: those who wouldn’t marry their current spouse if given a redo are less likely to go on dates with said spouse.

Take that one in. Though it’s a chicken and egg situation, and all relationships are complicated, the correlation is there.