CivicScience won’t be betting on horses at the Kentucky Derby, but we can make a good bet as to who will be tuning in to The Run for the Roses on Saturday. Since April 22nd we asked over 6,000 people how likely they are to watch the Kentucky Derby:
32% of people are very or somewhat likely to watch the race. People in the Northeast answered “Very likely” and “Somewhat likely” more than people in the South, West, and Midwest.  So what does the likely watcher look like?
Kentucky Derby watcher:
When compared to people who will not be watching the Kentucky Derby, people who will be watching are 24% more likely to be males, 49% more likely to be 55 years old or older, 7% more likely to be white, 22% more likely to have a high income, 31% more likely to have a graduate degree, 46% more likely to closely follow the NFL, 2X more likely to watch sports TV regularly, 47% more likely to prefer drama movies, 33% more likely to watch NBC most often, 40% more likely to watch MSNBC most often for news, 55% more likely to describe the national economy as good, 10% more likely to describe their own personal finances as good, 14% more likely to be a registered Republican, and 16% more likely to not be a Facebook member.
After cross-tabbing the question against other questions in the system, CivicScience was able to uncover some interesting brand preferences, market outlook, and miscellaneous information. When compared to people who are “Not at all likely” to watch the Kentucky Derby, people who are “Very likely” to watch the race are almost 3X more likely to like Einstein Bros Bagels, 47% more likely to NOT like Honey Bunches of Oats, 2X more likely to love/like Polo clothing, 6X more likely to love Rolex, 24% more likely to be a dog person, 29% more likely to say they always vote in local, state, and federal elections, and when asked about the US stock market they were 43% more likely to feel very or somewhat bullish when compared to those who will not be watching the Kentucky Derby.