We’ve spent the past few weeks deep in the data of streaming service users. If you’re just catching our series, a quick recap:

In this post, using our DeepProfile Tool, we’ll take a look at the specific demographics and habits of Netflix-Only Subscribers, Two or More Streaming Service Subscribers against the general populations. What can we learn about the future of the streaming service subscriptions?

Check out the Netflix Deep Profile.

Gender, Age & Parental Status

Netflix-Only Subscribers. Netflix-only subscribers are slightly more likely to be female as well as a parent.

Two or More Streaming Service Subscribers. This group is more likely to be male, as well as Millennial. In terms of parental status, two more service subscribers are more likely to be neither a parent nor a grandparent.

Income & Education

Netflix-Only Subscribers. Netflix-only users are slightly more likely to be high school graduates.

Two or More Streaming Service Subscribers. This group is more likely to make between $100-150k annually. This group is higher than average for both bachelor and graduate degrees.

Market Mavens

What’s a market maven? It’s our measure of habits that help identify the willingness of a group to adopt new products and brands and share their opinions with others.

Netflix-Only Subscribers. Netflix-only subscribers under index as market mavens in several areas. They are less likely than the general population to try new products before others or tell friends about new products.

When it comes to voicing an opinion on products, Netflix-only subscribers are more likely to write reviews, both positive and negative, as compared to the general population.

Two or More Streaming Service Subscribers. Multiple service subscribers over-index on almost all market maven behaviors. They are much more likely to write a positive review of a product than the general population, try new products before others, and tell others about the new products.

Social Media Influence & Usage

The social media influence and usage index pinpoints how much social media has an impact on purchases and behaviors, as well as how often consumers visit and use specific social media channels.

Netflix Only Subscribers. Netflix-only subscribers are less likely than the general population to be influenced by social media, with the exception of media. They are more likely to have their TV and movie tastes influenced by social media. You’re most likely to find this audience on Facebook, above all other social media platforms.

Two or More Streaming Service Subscribers. Multiple service subscribers are heavily influenced by social media usage. They are more likely to spend an hour or more on social media every day, and their taste in TV, movies, food, clothing, and electronics are all influenced by their interactions on social media. You’re likely to find multiple subscribers on all social networks, with the exception of Pinterest. They are much more likely than the general population to be active on Twitter and Snapchat.

Price Sensitivity & Informed Consumption

Price sensitivity identifies to what extent and what vertical users are price-conscious of items or in general. Informed consumption of a respondent

Netflix-Only Subscribers. Netflix only subscribers are less likely overall to be price-conscious, with the exception of household products.

Two or More Streaming Service Subscribers. Multiple streaming service subscribers are overall less likely to be price conscious, with significant deviations in food and clothing and accessories.

Informed Consumption

The informed consumption index measures the extent to which consumers research a product or service before purchasing it.

Netflix-Only Subscribers. Netflix-only subscribers under index on the informed consumption scale. They are less likely to compare prices before purchasing a product. They are less likely overall to favor locally owned establishments or socially conscious companies.

Two or More Streaming Service Subscribers. If a consumer is subscribed to two or more streaming services, they typically index much higher on the informed consumer index. They are much more likely than the general population to visit a store, then buy the same product online, as well as showroom across multiple sites.

Tech Savvy

Tech savvy index identifies how much consumers use their digital devices, in addition to their awareness of new technology.

Netflix-Only Subscribers. While they might subscribe to an online service, Netflix-only subscribers under index on intentions or awareness of most technology trends. They do, however, self-report an “addiction” to their digital devices.

Two or More Streaming Service Subscribers. Heavy streaming service subscribers are more likely to follow technology trends, as well as own or intend to own tech products like smart watches, VR, and smart home items.

Entertainment Habits

Entertainment habits track the media respondents engage with, as well as frequency and platform usage.

Netflix-Only Subscribers. Subscribers to only Netflix under index on some entertainment behaviors. They are less likely to streaming videos or television on a device. They are more likely to use DVR then the general population, but less likely to own an eReader.  

Two or More Streaming Service Subscribers. Unsurprisingly, this group is more engaged than the average with entertainment. They are more likely to watch TV or video via a streaming device. They are also more likely to stream music and own or have plans to buy a wireless speaker system.


The Food & Cooking index identifies how passionate certain segments about food and how they cook. The Dining Out index pinpoints how often respondents eat meals outside of there how and where.

Netflix-Only Subscribers. Netflix-only subscribers most often cook dinner and regularly search online for cooking recipes. They are somewhat more likely to enjoy cooking than the general population. This group is less likely to regularly eat at fast-casual restaurants, or eat out or order take-out for dinner.  

Two or More Streaming Service Subscribers. Multiple streaming users are much more likely to search online for recipes, as well as highly value food. Similar to tech adoption habits, this segment is more likely to try new foods before others. This segment is more likely to eat out, or order takeout, for both lunch and dinner.

Sports Fandom

The index for Sports Fan pertains to the leagues respondents follow, as well as their likelihood to attend a sporting event.

Netflix-Only Subscribers. Netflix subscribers follow the NHL and NBA slightly more than the general population.  

Two or More Streaming Service Subscribers. Multiple service subscribers under index on all sports and event attendance, with the exception of the NHL.  

Environmental Consciousness

The Environmental Consciousness index identifies to what extent groups will alter their lifestyles for the environment and overall concern about environmental issues.

Netflix-Only Subscribers. Subscribers to only Netflix are more likely to recycle, to be very concerned about climate change and use reusable shopping bags.  

Two or More Streaming Service Subscribers. People who subscribe to two or more streaming services are more likely to recycle, be very concerned about climate change, adjust their lifestyles to help the environment, buy organic and locally grown food, as well as environmentally friendly products.

Money Management & Charitable Giving

Netflix-Only Subscribers. Netflix-only subscribers, when compared with the general population, under index in regards to charitable giving. They use mobile devices for banking, and self identify as a diligent saver.

Two or More Streaming Service Subscribers. With the exception of environmental charities, people who subscribe to two or more services are less likely to charitably donate than the general population. They are also more likely to do volunteer work. When it comes to money management, multiple subscribers are much more engaged with online and online banking. This group is also more likely to self identify as a diligent saver and closely monitor retirement savings.

The habits between a light and heavy streaming subscriber are as varied as the content each platform provides. If you’d like a more in-depth look at our Deep Profile indexes, download our streaming service DeepProfile below.

Check out the Netflix Deep Profile.