To the surprise of exactly no one, binge-watching is up in the U.S. during the coronavirus pandemic.
According to a CivicScience survey conducted in April of 2020, 63% of the general population binge-watches at some cadence. This is up from the last time CivicScience conducted this study in 2019 which came in at 55%.
When rebasing the data among just binge-watchers, frequency varies. The most common answer is to binge-watch at least once a week.
It’s not only young folks binge-watching as of late. While 30-44 year olds and those age 18-29 over-index as binge-watchers compared to the general population, it should be noted that every age group below binge-watches at a rate of 60% or higher except for Baby Boomers.
Among binge-watchers only, we see a clear downward trend as age goes up in terms of binge-watching frequency. Those most likely to binge-watch every day are the younger generations.
However, one outlier stuck out: those in the 65+ age bracket are nearly just as likely as those in the 30-44 group to binge-watch everyday.
Though it’s close, women are slightly more likely to binge-watch at all than men are.
This narrative is more drastic when we ungroup the data set and look at just binge-watchers. We observe that women are significantly more likely to report binge-watching nearly every day.
Hulu Users are More Likely to Report Binge-Watching Than Netflix Users
A higher proportion of Hulu subscribers than Netflix users over the past year say they binge-watch.
However, though users of Hulu report higher rates of binge-watching (the data showed that this is driven by higher rates of daily binge-watching from the latest survey results), binge-watchers at large prefer Netflix OG content.
The Coronavirus Effect on Binge-Watching
Those who have lost their job due to the coronavirus pandemic are the least likely, but by a large margin, to binge-watch at all right now. Those working as usual or more are the most likely to binge-watch nearly every day.
Binge-watching is only growing during the pandemic, and it’s doubtful that upward trend will cease with widespread adoption of binging content spanning generations.