Ah, the holidays. A combination of pure joy and sheer stress.
Wherever you are on that spectrum, we figured we’d liven up the mood and take your mind off your last-minute shopping or avoiding the in-laws, and share some fun insights around Christmas traditions.
First up: stocking stuffers. Sometimes the worst gifts of all end up in a big sock hung above the fire. When is the most popular stocking-opening time and who isn’t taking part in this pastime?
The most popular time for opening stockings, with 32% of respondents, is before the gifts on Christmas morning.
My family always does stockings post-gifts, but I’ll allow it. That’s the runner-up, actually, with 23% of respondents.
Just Can’t Wait for Stockings
The Christmas Eve stocking-openers are more likely to follow music trends and both college basketball and football. They are also more likely to be grandfathers.
Christmas Morning, Pre-gifts
A ton of insights were found here. This crowd is more likely to use reusable shopping bags as well as Netflix and music streaming services.
They also are more likely to volunteer once a week, eat out for lunch, drink brown spirits and enjoy MLB. They are younger (between 18-34), eat fast food regularly and no surprise, due to perhaps the point in their lives, make under $50k annually.
Christmas Morning, Post-gifts
Four main insights were found about those who chose this answer. They are married, beer-drinking parents who own e-book readers.
Non-stocking Folks
Interestingly, people who live in the US South are more likely to answer We don’t exchange stockings and also more likely to be women and over age 55.
Next, let’s look at when people open presents. Some on Christmas Eve? Some on Christmas Day? Or stick to the standard Christmas Day exchange?
Christmas Eve / Christmas Day Split
These respondents are price conscious shoppers, both for food and clothing. They like to help other online shoppers by writing positive reviews. They also search for the best price by looking across multiple sites for something they want.
They are of the middle age set, employed, active users of Facebook and listen to streaming music. The most interesting insight for this split up gift opening crew is that when compared to the general population, they are more likely to live in the US Midwest.
On Christmas Day
These folks have already put a ring on it- they are more likely to be married, live in the suburbs and make $100k a year. They also are more likely to go to the movies at least once a month and be organic food shoppers.
And lastly, what about the “ugly” Christmas sweater tradition?
Say Yes to the Ugly Sweater!
No surprises on age: those who own an ugly sweater are more likely to be 18-34. They are also more likely to be women, and somewhat surprising, favor going to restaurants with healthy menu items and follow health and fitness trends all-around.
Those who plan to get one this year look very similar to those who already have one.
Never Planning to Get One
These folks may not be the life of the (ugly sweater) party anymore, or don’t have as much time or incentive as they are more likely to be married. They are also just older in general: Over 55 and more likely to be grandparents.
They are also more likely to be men and homeowners. No money to waste on something to wear only once or twice a year, then?
So makers of ugly Christmas sweaters (or the nearest thrift store) should definitely focus on the younger set.
I hope this took your mind off of your to-do list, catching your flight or your wild Aunt Wanda for at least a few minutes. Happiest of holidays to you and yours!