It isn’t surprising to hear Toyota fans are 7X more likely to say the Toyota Camry is the best mid-sized sedan, or that they are over 4X more likely than others to prefer an Asian made car.

However, would you have been able to guess the follow 10 insights about a Toyota fan?

  1. They are 22% more likely to like Spider-man movies.
  2. They are 85% more likely to volunteer at least once a month.
  3. Toyota lovers are 33% more likely to say they buy online because of the lower prices.
  4. They are 50% more likely to think it will become easier to find a job in the next 6 months.
  5. Toyota fans are 70% more likely to donate over $100 annually to education/research non-profit organizations.
  6. They are 39% more likely to say they are very likely to look at consumer reports and online sites to see reviews before purchasing a car.
  7. They are 18% more likely to drive a sedan.
  8. They are 28% more likely to play board games at least sometimes.
  9. They are 15% more likely to be using coupons more than usual.
  10. Toyota fans are 50% more likely to say brand is more important than price when shopping for food.


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