It’s a running joke with friends and family that I never complain about incorrect orders when I’m eating out. In fact, I ate a sandwich just last week that in no way resembled what I had asked for, just because I didn’t want to make a fuss.
But, I’ve discovered through the magic of ordering automation that when someone gives me a touch screen with menu items, I become the most particular of customers. When handed an iPad, I become some kind of sauce and add-on savant. Once my order gets to me, I spend an inordinate amount of time inspecting it for said sauces and additions.
With automated ordering and other automation processes trending in fast food, I jumped at the chance to see what everyone else thinks. Focusing specifically on Burger King, we took a look at how people might feel about an automated experience:
Apparently, I’m in the minority here. Let’s take a look at those who agreed that automation would yield a better customer experience.
Those who answer yes are more than twice as likely to be men. But what’s more interesting are their media habits and consumption habits. Readers of technology blogs are more likely to answer yes. Also, those who eat fast food at least once a week are more likely to answer yes.
So those for automation read up on the technology, and frequent fast food restaurants more often.
That makes me wonder if the general comfort with technology, and at least weekly familiarity with Burger King’s products, makes it easier to favor automation. Also, are fans of Burger King more for automation?
Let’s explore favorability of the brand compared to the question above.
It’s interesting that those with neutral feelings towards Burger King think it’ll get better with automation. Installing automated systems could potentially convert neutral feelings into fandom.
Let’s take a look at those who think automation will make for an unpleasant Burger King experience. Ignoring this group entirely could mean missing out on new customers or current fans.
Those against automation are slightly more likely to be women. Conversely, they are less likely to read tech blogs or go to fast food restaurants even once a week. Unlike those who responded yes, this audience has less interest in technology, as well as fast food.
When Burger King looks to expand automation, this group might be tough to persuade. With their lack of interest in technology and their infrequent visits, Burger King might be better off targeting fans first.
So, what’s the best way for Burger King to move forward?
Perhaps it’s a matter of how the automation is rolled out. Many establishments have discovered that touchpad or online ordering makes customers happier overall. Because customers enter in their own orders, there’s less room for error and generally more accuracy in the kitchen.
Fast food chains that have already adopted touchpad ordering have seen an uptick in sales of side items or lesser known menu items.