Dry January has pushed mocktails into the spotlight this year, and CivicScience data show that many are hopping on the trend. Thirteen percent of U.S. adults have made or purchased a mocktail (a cocktail-style beverage with non-alcoholic spirits) in the last 30 days, and another 17% haven’t but are still interested in mocktails.

Join the Conversation: How likely are you to switch your cocktail for a mocktail?

Gen Z is clearly driving interest in mocktails.

A third of Gen Z adults aged 18-24 have made/purchased a mocktail in the last 30 days, compared to 18% of their Millennial counterparts and under 10% of adults 45+. That said, though, Millennials are the biggest intenders – 36% haven’t had a mocktail recently but are still interested in these non-alcoholic beverages.

Sober curiosity and current alcohol habits influence mocktail interest.

A quarter of Americans 21+ are interested in living a sober lifestyle, and data show that sober curious individuals are driving the mocktail trend, alongside moderate drinkers: 

  • Fifty-six percent of ‘very’ sober curious Americans have purchased a mocktail in the last 30 days, and another 21% haven’t but are still interested in mocktails (among adults 21+). Those who are ‘somewhat’ sober curious are half as likely to have purchased a mocktail (28%), but 44% are still interested in ordering/making them.
  • The sweet spot is 1-5 drinks. A fifth of drinking-aged adults who consume 1-5 alcoholic beverages a week have purchased a mocktail within the last month – five points higher than those who drink 5+ alcoholic beverages a week and 13 points higher than those who are likely already living a sober lifestyle.

Gen Z is most likely to order mocktails at a restaurant; Millennials are most likely to have one at a bar/nightclub.

As mocktail interest continues to climb, sober spaces could become more prevalent. Concert venues, for example, have already started pushing for alcohol-free areas in arenas to drive inclusivity and revenue. Booze-free bars are also popping up in the United States.

According to new CivicScience data, Americans 21+ are most interested in ordering mocktails from restaurants (26%), followed by bars/nightclubs (16%) and sporting events (13%). These figures jump tremendously among Gen Z adults – 42% are interested in ordering mocktails at restaurants, and 26%-27% would have one at a bar/nightclub or sporting event.

Millennials are also most likely to order mocktails from restaurants, but index as the most likely age group to drink them at a bar/nightclub (27%). Conversely, adults 45+ are less inclined to purchase mocktails across the board, especially Boomers, who are less likely to drink alcohol in general.

Join the Conversation: In your opinion, do you think your local bars and restaurants should be offering more non-alcoholic beers and mocktails on their menus?

Are mocktails here to stay?

While many are filling the void during Dry January with mocktails, these beverages are likely here to stay. CivicScience data has shown that interest in a sober lifestyle is growing – especially among Gen Z – and many Americans are increasingly focused on improving their overall health and wellness (a trend that aligns with findings in CivicScience’s Ozempic Tracker). That said, tapping into the mocktail market could be a favorable move for sporting arenas, alcohol brands, restaurants, and bars.

If you’re interested in staying ahead of the curve or seeing where your customers stand on mocktails, contact us now to learn how you can utilize our 5+ billion survey responses across a variety of topics.