Reports of Starbucks brunch offerings have been sweeping the internet since last week. In 78 Northwest locations, Starbucks has been experimenting with blueberry french toast, quiche and Belgian waffles. Unfortunately, I’m on the wrong coast to sample the exclusive Starbucks brunch, but fortunately for Starbucks, its new offerings may prove highly successful around the country.
Here’s what we found.
Although the large majority of those we asked rarely or never go to Starbucks, there are still 12% who would be more likely to frequent Starbucks if the coffee giant offered weekend brunch. If we take out those who answered that they rarely or never go to Starbucks, that number becomes an enormous 58% of people who would be more likely to go to Starbucks if it offered brunch.
Those who don’t go regularly but would be more likely to if Starbucks offered brunch are mostly women between the ages of 18 and 34. They are more likely to live in the suburbs and have an income between $50,000 and $100,000.
As the demand for Brunch increases based on increased disposable income, desire for social outings with friends, and the desire to enjoy a daytime drink in a socially acceptable way, these offerings may hit the nail on the head. Well, all except the day drinking.
In other words, weekend brunch could be good news for Starbucks, and great news for the rest of us.