When Apple announced a few weeks back it would soon be releasing an updated iPod Touch, it’s fair to say many people wondered why. After all, smartphones have penetrated the market to a high degree, and an iPod would appear to be something that’s simply not needed.
And now that the new iPod Touch is on the market, it seems pretty clear smartphone users don’t really have a need for the device.
But for young, non-smartphone users? It’s a different story.
Before the deep dive, it’s worth noting here the iPod is basically an iPhone without the phone these days. It’s more than just a music player. Make calls with Facetime, surf the web, watch videos. And Apple’s launch of Apple Arcade this fall may make the new iPod a relatively inexpensive top-end gaming device.
In short: There are reasons for people without smartphones – namely, teens, tweens, and younger – to be interested in the iPod Touch.
Overall, 8% of nearly 4,000 Americans 13 and over said they are at least “somewhat” likely to purchase the new iPod.
Broken down by age, however, the numbers pop. Of those polled, Americans between the ages of 13 and 17 say they are at least “somewhat likely” to purchase an iPod at nearly twice the rate of those between the ages of 18 and 54, and triple the rate of those 55 and over.
And why might those under 18 be interested in an iPod? Americans between the ages of 13 and 17 own smartphones at “only” a 70% clip, lower than any other age group.
Another reason? Gaming. Gamers are much more likely to have an interest in these devices, as these devices do indeed run games like Fortnite.
But it’s not just teenagers and gamers who are interested in buying the new iPod; parents of children between the ages of 6 and 11 are 43% more likely to say they’re interested in purchasing one themselves.
Women, interestingly, are more interested in the iPod Touch than male respondents.
With the iPod acting as almost an entry-level iPhone, Apple may be creating customers for life. After all, only 3% of current adult iPhone users say they’re likely planning on switching to another brand of smartphone over the next 90 days.
Here’s an interesting data point: People who like to add creativity to their daily lives are twice as likely to be interested in a new iPod.
Lastly, and almost certainly owing to the young tilt of prospective new iPod users, people who love Childish Gambino and Cardi B are twice as likely to be at least “somewhat” interested in purchasing an iPod than people who have a low opinion of the two artists.
What was certainly scoffed at by many may end up being one of the more brilliant strikes in recent tech development. Sure, the iPod is old-school, but by getting them in the hands of America’s youth, Apple may very well be setting the stage for the next generation of iPhone lifers.