Leaders across the United States are debating when the time will be right to lift shelter-in-place orders and reopen America. The foremost reason given to lift quarantine has been the stress it puts on companies and the economy. It is also clear, in part due to various protests across the country, that whether to leave quarantine or not is a fairly partisan decision. This has sparked questions about whether brands might fare differently based on the political leanings of their customers.
To get a feel for how lifting quarantine might impact certain brands and sales, CivicScience compared favorables of two competing jeans brands: Levi’s and Wrangler.
CivicScience tracking shows favorability for Levi’s is significantly higher than favorability for Wrangler among U.S. adults.
Levi’s favorables were much more likely than Wrangler favorables to remain quarantined in the event of a government notice to return to normal.Â
On the other hand, the more a person liked Wrangler, the more likely they would be to return to their normal activities.
While Wrangler fans are the more likely to get back out and shop when lockdowns are lifted, Levi’s might be able to weather the effects of a prolonged quarantine among its customers given its ongoing investments in social media advertising.
With all of this, questions abound. Will advertising strategies be able to offset the loss of normal shopping habits? Will brands popular among conservatives benefit in the long run from their customers breaking quarantine, or will their short-term advantage be washed out by recurring outbreaks?Â
However the federal, state, and local governments decide to implement the lifting of their quarantine recommendations, it is evident that the American public intends to stagger its return to normal life on its own accord.