With only days left to finish up holiday shopping, we’re down to the home stretch folks. We’re past the point of no return when it comes to shopping online, and if you’re hoping to get a gift for a loved one by Christmas Day, the expedited delivery might cost more than the item itself.
How many people are scrambling for a gift this week?
Yikes! More than a quarter of holiday shoppers have barely started, or not started at all. Who should retailers expect to see in the last minute shopper rush?
Age and employment play a part in people’s progress when it comes to holiday shopping. The younger you are, while still being employed, the less likely you are to have finished your Christmas list.
Those who answered “I haven’t started yet” are more likely to be 18-34-year-old employed males. Luckily for retailers, 48% of these shoppers plan to buy all their gifts in stores. Retailers already keep the doors open late during the holiday season. They might want to consider other time-saving strategies to get busy 18-34-year-old men through the doors.
People who are finished with their holiday shopping, are more likely to be over 55 and unemployed, are likely markers of retirement.
Compared to last year, shoppers are ahead of schedule. People who responded “I haven’t started yet,” are down 7%. In 2016, customers are more prepared and are spending more this holiday season as compared to 2015.
How can retailers use this data to help last-minute shoppers?
If retailers want to capitalize on last-minute holiday shoppers, they should focus on making the experience as easy as possible for 9 to 5-ers. Consider opening early and closing late, or perhaps offering flash sales online and in stores during lunch hours.
The easier and more convenient retailers make it for this group to shop, the less likely you are to receive an IOU on Christmas.