Supreme Court Vacancies: Voters from Both Parties are Full of It

Contrary to its name, our company doesn’t do a single penny of business from political polling. Anything political we study or write about is done mostly for fun and almost always carries a hint of not-so-latent cynicism. Would Mark Cuban beat Donald Trump head-to-head? Why are Liberals so much more bombastic than Conservatives on social […]

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Which Presidential Candidate REALLY Wants to Cut Medicare?

As we detailed earlier, this November’s Presidential election will be determined in large part by voters who say they’re not yet sure whom they will vote for. So it stands to reason that a major objective for both candidates will be ensuring that their primary talking points fully register with this vital cohort. Over the […]

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255 Ways To Tell An Obama Supporter from a Romney Supporter

In the past six months, we asked 191,144 Americans about their choice in the Presidential Election between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. That same group also provided millions of answers to thousands of other poll questions about their lifestyle, demographics, favorite brands, celebrities, movies, finances, and even their hair and eye color. We recently analyzed […]

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