Should the New Mercedes X-Class Truck Enter the U.S. Market?

Trucks – they’re rugged, red-blooded and inspire about 60% of country songs out there. When you think of them, luxury isn’t exactly the first word to come to mind…but that could change. Mercedes-Benz recently announced the release of its newest car, and it’s a truck. Yes, a luxury truck. The Mercedes X-Class boasts 2 models, […]

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10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Toyota Fan

It isn’t surprising to hear Toyota fans are 7X more likely to say the Toyota Camry is the best mid-sized sedan, or that they are over 4X more likely than others to prefer an Asian made car. However, would you have been able to guess the follow 10 insights about a Toyota fan? They are […]

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WTF? Possibly the Strangest Correlation in our Entire System

Gary Busey is something of a cult hero among our engineering team. So, when we developed the initial list of hundreds of US celebrities we track in our system, we added Busey, even though he is probably the least prominent celeb on our entire list. But then someting crazy happened. After asking thousands of people […]

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